We decided to start publishing a “month in review” last month, so here’s what happened with team SkyVerge in September 🙂
General Updates
We’re sponsoring another workshop hosted by BobWP along with Prospress! If you’re in the Seattle area, check out Building Your Membership Site with WooCommerce on October 8 — 9:30 am – 12:30 pm.
Aside from workshop sponsoring, we got busy writing this month. WooCommerce turned four years old in September, so we published a look through four years of WooCommerce from version 1.0 to now, which was a fun look through history.
We also wrote 5 other blog posts this month:
- The Next Evolution of WooCommerce iOS
- How to Create a WooCommerce Widget
- Widgets, Part Deux: Create a “Smart” Widget
- Default Order Notes to “Customer Note”
- Prevent Repeat Purchases with WooCommerce
Subscriptions 2.0 Support
Last month we’d worked on a ton of Subscriptions 2.0 support updates across our plugins, and we finished testing and deployed them in September. Subscriptions 2.0 was just released, so you can now upgrade to take advantage of awesome new features like multiple subscriptions per order!
One very important note: WooCommerce Memberships supports Subscriptions 2.0, and the new “pending cancellation” status is used. Here’s an example of how this works with memberships:
- Your subscriber pays each quarter; she cancels in August, meaning she’s paid for Q3 already. With Subscriptions 1.5.x, she would be marked “cancelled”, even though she’s paid up through September.
- Instead, with Subscriptions 2.0.x, she’s marked “pending cancellation” from now until the end of her pre-paid term
- Memberships picks up on this change, and moves the membership to “pending cancellation” status as well. She will continue to have access to membership benefits, such as content access, since she’s still in the “paid term”.
- Once the subscription moves to “cancelled”, the membership will move to cancelled and then access is stopped.
This ensures that your members retains access to their membership perks throughout the entire paid period when using a subscription 🙂
Fix Releases
We didn’t deploy many feature releases this month, which was for a couple of reasons. First, we helped out for a couple of weeks in the WooCommerce.com support queues this month, as there was a bit of a backlog that we helped work through.
We also deployed fix releases to 24 different plugins this month, so while we did make progress on new development, we’re still testing and will be deploying soon.
WooCommerce Social Login 1.6.0
One feature release that was wrapped up in September was Social Login 1.6.0. This will be released very soon, as we’re finishing our final testing before releasing. This adds support for Disqus, Yahoo, and VK.
WooCommerce Fulfillrite Integration
We’re also in progress on a Fulfillrite integration with WooCommerce, which is coming along nicely and should wrap up development this month to begin the testing phase.
WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro Integration
Our Google Analytics Pro integration was held from release, as we decided to add a couple additional features before release to make authenticating with Google Analytics and Enhanced eCommerce tracking set up easier. We’re wrapping up these feature additions and finishing testing, so we’ll be re-submitting it soon.
WooCommerce Braintree Update
Our WooCommerce Braintree rewrite is wrapping up (it was delayed a bit with our support changes this month). If you want a sneak-peak, here’s a quick cast of the Braintree PayPal integration in action.
Coming in October
Unfortunately our goals for feature releases took a bit of a hit this month due to our shuffling of support time. However, we’re happy to have wrapped up the Social Login change, and we’re in progress on Memberships version 1.4 currently, along with the Twilio update we’d mentioned last month.
Do you know more or less when it would be possibile to integrate Paypal on Braintree?