How to Exclude Traffic From Google Analytics in Magento

…you wish to exclude traffic from You must visit that page from every browser, on every computer you wish to exclude traffic from. And, assuming you never clear your cookies, you must remember to re-visit this page to refresh the cookie within about 2 years lest it expire Or, you can just install Google Analytics Exclude, the easy and practical way to exclude your traffic from Google Analytics, and avoid much of the headache….

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WP Development

Add a WordPress Custom Bulk Action

…is done with a hook on the load-* actions, as recommended in the Q&A page referenced above. Even with demo code, this function is fairly lengthy so I’ll leave most of it out, please reference my demo plugin for the full working implementation. Its main tasks are to: determine the action perform security checks perform the action redirect the client to a results page add_action(‘load-edit.php’, ‘custom_bulk_action’); function custom_bulk_action() {…

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Configure Magento Products by URL

…gured in a similar manner, as long as you respect the precedence that you defined when setting up the product in the admin. For instance in the above example we can configure a shirt with a given color and size, or just a color leaving the size unspecified, but we couldn’t configure just a size. A Helpful Bookmarklet It can be tedious for a technical person, and perhaps insurmountable for a lay person, to construct the configuration URLs for more…

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Import Remote Repository with EGit on Windows

…ne Repository’ button. This will clone the remote Git Repository into, for instance C:Usersusernamegit Create the Project Create a project with the New Project wizard, and uncheck the ‘Use default location’ option, selecting the above local Git repository as the project Location. Share the Project At this point if you’re following along you should have a locally cloned Git repository, and an unrevisioned Eclipse project containing the repository f…

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WP Development

WordPress Settings API Hidden Field

…s API. This is useful for more than just creating hidden input fields; for instance I used it when I wanted to render a number of checkboxes in a single field, yet still have the checkbox options managed by the Settings API. The WordPress Settings API The WordPress Settings API is a great, if poorly documented addition to WordPress. The two best references I found for understanding and building your own API-based settings are: http://ottodestruct….

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SkyVerge WooCommerce Extensions

WordPress Pretty Category Permalinks Broken and Fixed

…ally realized that all permalinks worked properly if I just included that default base category ‘category’. That is to say, /articles/javascript/ was a 404, but /category/articles/javascript/ was the Javascript archive page. It didn’t take me much longer to remember and find that little WordPress SEO category base setting from oh so long ago. Knowing that sometimes permalink issues can be fixed by simply saving the WordPress permalink settings pag…

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WooCommerce Order Admin Calc Line Totals

…price * product quantity, however, it does seem possible, and would be a useful convenience to have. I provide one possible implementation in the remainder of this article. The Approach The basic approach taken is to largely follow the pattern used by the ‘Calc Line Tax’ button: create a new ‘Calc Line Totals’ button which highlights the line total/subtotal fields on hover, and performs an AJAX request for each order line item, allowing the calcul…

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WordPress development tutorials

Don’t Share Terms Between WordPress Taxonomies

…he same name and slug between different taxonomies (at least for now). For instance, if you add the term ‘red’ as a tag, and then add the category ‘red’, the same wp_terms record will be shared between them. This is also true for any custom taxonomies you define (remember that despite their seeming differences, WordPress tags and categories are both implemented as taxonomies). Now, in general this is fine; if the name and slug are the same, then j…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

New WooCommerce Plug-in: Reporting

…all sorts of complex reports. You spend hours pulling those reports and carefully massaging the data so it fits the format you need, and you have to do go through this ritual sacrifice every week! Seems like a bit of a time-suck, huh? We thought so, too. So here’s what we did: We wrote the WooCommerce Reporting extension. Here at SkyVerge, we really love to automate things. Sometimes we all do things that take up all these little bit…

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Introducing the WooCommerce XML-RPC API

…of clients and we’re ready to release it to the world. Currently it only supports updating order status and order tracking (most helpful when used with the WooCommerce Shipment Tracking extension), but we’re planning more API calls. To get started, just download and install the plugin and add a user with at least the “Editor” role. Follow the steps for testing on the comprehensive readme. We’ll be adding to the plugins repository in…

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