Ask SkyVerge

How can I require customers apply for a membership and approve their access?

While WooCommerce Memberships is flexible in how your customers can become members, it’s useful for some sites to let customers apply for a membership and then accept or reject their membership. This is desirable for merchants who want a great deal of control over who gets access to membership perks on their site. If you’re interested in setting up Memberships to require application and approval, please let us know! In the meantime, here are a…

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New year

SkyVerge in 2018

The week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve is a great time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished as a company over the past year. The post-holiday lull provides some much-needed time to step back and get a bird’s-eye view of the past year before setting goals for the next. We spent the past few days at SkyVerge reviewing everything we built, improved, worked on, and shipped. As a team, we’ve put more focus on…

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Manual payments

Processing WooCommerce payments for a customer

Our support team often gets asked a variation of this question: How do I process an order on behalf of a customer? I took an order for a customer over the phone, can I run a transaction for it in WooCommerce? I just accepted an order for a product with a custom price, and I’d like to charge the customer manually. Can I do it? I’m going to be charging for expedited shipping, so I…

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SkyTrip 2017

SkyTrip 2017 Recap

A few weeks ago, our team of 10 SkyVergers converged on Orlando, Florida for our 2nd annual company retreat, dubbed SkyTrip. It was an incredible 5 days of beautiful weather, sharing a few delicious meals together, a bit of work, and of course the ever-present ear-splitting 120 dB pool alarms found in Florida vacation homes. As a remote company, this co-located time with the entire team is really important to us, so we plan to…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce PDF Product Vouchers 3.0

This week, we’ll release WooCommerce PDF Product Vouchers version 3.0, which has been an update long in the making for our PDF Product Vouchers plugin. Over time, we’ve had a fair number of requests to add custom voucher fields, make editing voucher templates easier, support foreign (e.g., Cyrillic) characters, and other refinements. However, the largest pain point with the plugin was related to voucher management. Since vouchers were tightly tied to the orders they were…

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New year

2016: Year in Review

Every year I find it super interesting to go back through an entire year’s worth of work to see what our team has accomplished, as you tend to forget some pretty big achievements as the year has gone on. It’s a great reminder of what you can get done in a year, along with seeing whether your longer term goals were realized or reinvented. 2016 saw a fair bit of growth and expansion for the…

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WordPress development tutorials

Screen ID checks with WordPress Submenu Pages

Chances are if you’ve read our series on adding plugin settings to WooCommerce, you’re using an existing WooCommerce settings page or new settings tab to add any required configuration options for your plugin. If you have a more complex plugin who’s data will be accessed very often (such as Memberships or Subscriptions), you may even be adding a new submenu with a custom settings or usage page for your plugin. However, we’ve run into any…

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month in review

October in Review – 2016

A bit late this month, but better late than never 🙂 Let’s take a look at our October month in review and which major development projects have been completed or are in progress. We’d wrapped our in-progress development from September, and we’ve got a lot of exciting work in the pipeline now! General Updates October was a lot of heads-down development on our plugins and Jilt app while we tried to finish up with plugin…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Chase Paymentech version 1.9

We are excited to tell you about the latest release of our WooCommerce Chase Paymentech extension! In version 1.9 we’ve added some key new features that will improve the experience for both you and your customers, along with a few under-the-hood updates to improve reliability. Refund or Void Charges in WooCommerce You can now refund or void transactions directly through the WooCommerce admin and have those actions reflected automatically in your merchant terminal. If you…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Social Login 2.0

We’re excited to share WooCommerce Social Login version 2.0 with you this week. This release doesn’t contain tons of new features, but it does have very significant changes to the plugin structure. Migrating to HybridAuth The biggest change in version 2.0 is that we’ve migrated to a new authentication library. This changes the way the plugin communicates with social networks to authenticate your customers and retrieve profile information. While you won’t see any changes at…

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