WooCommerce extension updates & releases

Hey all! We love it when plugins help users do some cool stuff without code, and our WooCommerce Customizer is a popular example. WooCommerce contains tons of filters and actions to let you customize pieces of your shop, but most shop owners don’t know how to user them. Our WooCommerce Customizer opens up options for some of these filters so you can easily change things like the number of products per shop page or the text on your shop buttons.

Since we’ve updated most of our plugins fro WooCommerce 2.2 already, we made some changes and additions to the WooCommerce Customizer

1. WooCommerce Customizer gets out of your way

We’ve made the Customizer get out of your way as a shop admin. Previously, the Customizer was located in its own menu under “WooCommerce”. Since you set-and-forget a lot of these options, there’s no point in it taking up valuable real estate under the main WooCommerce menu.

The WooCommerce Customizer options are now located under WooCommerce > Settings > Customizer so that you can change any options you’d like, then never worry about them again.

2. Change the Checkout “Create Account” checkbox default

By default, the “Create Account?” option on the checkout page is left “unchecked”, which means that customers may not catch that they can do this. We’ve added an option under the Customizer “Checkout” settings to change the default state of this box to “checked”. This will make it more obvious that customers can register quickly for an account, and it also makes them more likely to do so.

This is now up there with changing the “Place Order” text as one of my favorite parts of using this plugin 🙂 .

3. Add Placeholder Images

One of the cool things some of the themes from WooCommerce do is that they allow you to set a placeholder image for products in your shop to display if your product doesn’t have its own image.

Under the Customizer “Misc” settings we’ve now added an option to do the same thing! You simply enter the URL of an image (this can be one from your media library or hosted elsewhere, like Amazon S3), and this image will be used instead of the default WooCommerce placeholder when your products doesn’t have a featured image.

WooCommerce 2.2

Oh, did we mention that it’s already WooCommerce 2.2 compatible? 🙂 Now’s the perfect time to try the WooCommerce Customizer if you haven’t yet!

We’ve updated almost all of our plugins already, so releases will be coming out this week that ensure WooCommerce 2.1 and WooCommerce 2.2 compatibility. Remember, we’re dropping WooCommerce 2.0 support from our plugins with these releases. There are some great things coming in WooCommerce 2.2 that you’ll enjoy, so you should be ready to test and upgrade when it’s out!

Published by Nik McLaughlin

You can find Nik around the WP space, on LinkedIn, or on his personal blog.