Turn happy customers into repeat sales.

  • Encourage loyalty to increase lifetime value
  • Reward customers with points for purchases
  • Make it easy to redeem points on new orders

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Encourage your hard-earned customers to purchase again and again.

Create a compelling, easy-to-use rewards program to retain customers. Build brand advocates, loyalty, and relationships.

Points on purchases
Grant customers points or rewards for purchases to build loyalty and encourage a return visit to your store.

Bonus points
Add points for non-purchase actions, like leaving a review or creating an account with your store.

Redeem rewards
Allow customers to easily use their points for future purchases to keep them coming back for more!

Advanced emails
Use built-in points notifications, or use Jilt for advanced point-based automations, drip series, and reminders.

Points management
Make it super-simple for customers to view their rewards and choose new items to redeem their points.

Reward milestones
[Post v1] Celebrate milestones like birthdays, store anniversaries, and more by adding bonus points to drive purchases.

Top-quality code, built by developers you can rely on.

Over 1 million merchants trust our software to power their stores. SkyVerge is the top WooCommerce.com developer, with over 50 highly-rated plugins.

The strongest brands in eCommerce trust our team.

A happy shout out to the good folks at SkyVerge who not only make solid, reliable plug-ins but have lightning-fast, friendly support!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Vincent J. Florio, WordPress theme author

Thanks again for all your help. I will definitely choose SkyVerge plugins knowing that you offer such great support.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Bente Van der Made, Jarimbi

I get so happy when I go to buy a WooCommerce extension and then see you have made it – done deal. Great job on the extensions ????

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Grant Ambrose, MyWeb Digital

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