Hello Authorize.net users! We just have a quick announcement to share with you today :).

If you use our WooCommerce Authorize.net AIM or WooCommerce Authorize.net CIM payment gateway extensions, you may have received a notice recently from Authorize.net. It probably looked something like this:

On September 30, 2014, we will be retiring IP address, which we noticed you are connecting to directly either for monitoring purposes or for your transaction processing.

To prevent any disruption to your business, please discontinue using this IP for monitoring or submitting transactions and instead use the following, full payment gateway URL:


Our WooCommerce Authorize.net extensions do not use either of these connection methods, so you’re already set! We’re not really sure why Authorize.net is sending this to you, unless they’re simply sending it to all customers. We’re very sorry if this has caused confusion!

For those of you that are curious, we use the Authorize.net XML endpoint to pass data between WooCommerce and your store, which is actually the most up-to-date method and is the recommended integration implementation from Authorize.net. We also keep tabs on all Authorize.net developer notifications and announcements (as well as those from every service with which we integrate) so that our extensions are always compatible with the latest changes. We know that you depend on this for your store, and we’ll do our best to make sure that the plugin is always running at 100%.

In a nut shell, you don’t have to worry about changing or updating anything 🙂 . Your WooCommerce Authorize.net integration is already compliant with any of these changes.

Published by Nik McLaughlin

You can find Nik around the WP space, on LinkedIn, or on his personal blog.