Guide for Upgrading to WooCommerce 2.1

WooCommerce 2.1 was released on Monday, and makes several changes to the core plugin. As a result, you may experience issues when upgrading if you don’t pay attention to a few of the changes. The guide that follows is a general overview of some things to look out for when upgrading to WooCommerce 2.1 to make the transition from WooCommerce 2.0 as smooth as possible. There are a couple of known issues that are being…

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Guide to Migrating Your Plugin to WooCommerce 2.0

With the release of WooCommerce 2.0 becoming more imminent (well, maybe not quite imminent yet, but certainly drawing nearer), those of us with WooCommerce plugins need to start work on getting them ready for the big release. WooCommerce has never been one to hold back on making plugin-busting implementation changes with a new release, and they’re setting the bar quite high with 2.0. It’s chalk full of code changes and improvements plugin developers must be…

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Tweaking the WooCommerce Order Admin: Searching For Custom Fields

The WooCommerce Order Admin allows you to search for orders by the following fields: order key billing first name billing last name billing company billing address 1 billing address 2 billing city billing postcode billing country billing state billing email billing phone order items But what if you want to search by another order field? Perhaps the order total? Well it’s as easy as adding something like the following to your themes functions.php: function woocommerce_shop_order_search_order_total(…

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WooCommerce Order Admin Calc Line Totals

Compatibility Notice: The following article and code applies to pre-WooCommerce 2.1 only. It is not compatible with WooCommerce 2.1+ As of version at least, WooCommerce does not provide a way to automatically calculate the Line Subtotal and Line Total values for a given product quantity, when creating or updating an order through the Order Admin: As shown in the above image, there’s a button to calculate the line taxes for the order items, as…

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Ask SkyVerge

Hide WooCommerce "Free" Price Label

A common WooCommerce question lately has been how to hide the “Free” price label in the product/category/shop pages. Thanks to WooCommerce’s judicious use of filters/actions, this is very easy request, yet if you’re new to WordPress/WooCommerce you might not necessarily know exactly where to look. Well look no further, because here’s an easy way to suppress that “Free” notice for regular/variable products: add_filter( ‘woocommerce_variable_free_price_html’, ‘hide_free_price_notice’ ); add_filter( ‘woocommerce_free_price_html’, ‘hide_free_price_notice’ ); add_filter( ‘woocommerce_variation_free_price_html’, ‘hide_free_price_notice’ ); /**…

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Hide Certain WooCommerce Sub-Categories in Catalog

WooCommerce provides some coarse control over displaying sub categories in your shop/category pages with the “Show subcategories on category pages” and “Show subcategories on the shop page” options on the WooCommerce > Settings > Catalog > Catalog Options section. These controls are all-or-nothing though: show all subcategories on the category pages, or show all subcategories on the shop page. If you want finer-grained control, for instance displaying only certain subcategories on the shop or particular…

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WooCommerce reviews + tutorials

Create an Overrideable WooCommerce Template File

Sometimes when developing a WooCommerce plugin you want to output a snippet of HTML, and do so in such a way that the content can be easily overridden by a theme. It’s part of the process of crafting a well-engineered, customizable plugin. The best way to achieve this is by using WooCommerce’s own templating mechanism, and what once took some effort and some filters is now a snap thanks to one of the recent WooCommerce…

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WooCommerce reviews + tutorials

WooCommerce 1.4 SSL Admin Mixed Content Bug

2/10/2012 Update – The good people of WooCommerce have fixed this issue as of the 1.4.2 release, so the modification described in this article is no longer needed. I have left the rest of the article untouched for historical curiosity. As I described in my most recent news posting, WooCommerce 1.4 while a great update to the excellent E-Commerce offering from WooCommerce, did include at least one very minor bug. This issue would apply only…

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