Ask SkyVerge

We’ve got a new Ask SkyVerge question today! This one comes from Thomas:

Does Print invoices / packing lists have a date picker? For example, if I would like to print only invoices from May 23 to May 28, can I do this?

This is an excellent question, and the answer is not right away, but it can with a bit of help.

Print Invoices / Packing Lists allows you to print invoices, packing lists, and pick list in bulk for your orders, or individually. Therefore, if we can get a list of orders within this date range, we can use the bulk action to print invoices or other documents for all of these orders.

However, WooCommerce doesn’t give us a way to get orders by date range. When you view the default order filtering options, you’ll see that you can only filter orders by the month, ie “May 2016”, not by dates.

WooCommerce: Filter orders by date

We can add date range filters here, then proceed with invoice printing.

Filter WooCommerce Orders by Date

Orders are a WordPress custom post type. Therefore, some plugins that work for posts can work for orders as well. The free Date Range Filter plugin can add the ability to filter your posts by date range, and the benefit here is that you’ll also have these filtering controls added for WooCommerce orders.

Once you install and activate that free plugin, you’ll see some a new filtering option dropdown that starts with “Show All Time”.

WooCommerce filter orders by date range

This dropdown can allow you to select “Custom Date Range”, and when chosen, this will add the start and end dates for your order filtering. You can select the date range you’d like to use, then click the “Filter” button to get this list of orders.

WooCommerce New Order Date filter

Now your order list will only show orders that were created between these dates!

Print WooCommerce Orders in Date Range

Now that we have our list of orders for the date range, we can print these orders. Use the checkbox at the top-left of your orders table to select all orders. Note that you may have multiple pages of orders in this date range, so adjusting the number of orders per page could help, or you can go from page to page using this bulk action.

WooCommerce Print Invoices / Packing List bulk order action

Select the “Print Invoices” bulk action for all of your orders, and click “Apply”. This will generate invoices for all of the selected orders:

WooCommerce Print generated invoices

This way, you’ve produced a set of invoices with WooCommerce Print Invoices / Packing Lists for orders placed within this date range. Hooray!

Hope this helps Thomas 🙂 Thanks for the question!

Published by Beka Rice

Beka leads product direction for SkyVerge and technical documentation. She spends a lot of time on research and interviews, but likes to write so she has an excuse to spend more time jamming out to anything from The Clash to Lady Gaga.


  1. […] has a tutorial on printing invoices for an order date range. More specifically, this is helpful if you’ve ever wanted a list of orders by custom dates […]

  2. Hi, can you create a tutorial / plugin for a following function:

    In admin, I would like to navigate through orders with view previous order / view next order buttons or links.

    How can you do that? 🙂

    p.s. Only completed orders would show up

  3. Hi is there a way to customize pick list.

    Any help would be appreciated!

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